
Fair Trade - Oban

Information on Fairtrade in Oban.

What is Fairtrade?

Oban became a Fairtrade Town in 2006. Fairtrade Town status is awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation, to recognise communities where everyone’s doing their bit for Fairtrade.

From the Council to cafes, colleges to community groups, everyone can do something, and in a Fairtrade Town, they are! There are over 1000 Fairtrade Towns worldwide, taking community action for trade justice.

Fairtrade is a simple way each one of us can make a difference through our everyday choices. It’s about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

Fairtrade aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve their position and have more control over their lives.

  • A minimum price is paid to producers covering their production costs.
  • Producers in Fairtrade co-operatives always get a democratic say in decisions – women included.
  • The producers receive an additional Fairtrade premium, an extra amount of money to invest in their communities on economic, social or environmental projects.
  • The Fairtrade system gives rights to farm workers such as decent wages and joining unions.

Fairtrade Directory

On this page you will find the 2012/13 Oban Fairtrade Directory. Produced by the Oban and Lorn Fairtrade Steering Group, it lists all the shops, cafés and accommodation providers that serve or stock Fairtrade products. There is also a listing of the work places, churches, faith and community groups that use them.

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Oban Fairtrade Directory
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