
More access to council committee meetings

Members of the public will be able to watch key council committee meetings on-line when its initiative to develop digital meetings completes later this year.

The Council agreed when it met yesterday (15 April) to continue holding committee meetings virtually, as part of working covid-safely.

It also agreed to move to using digital software that makes it possible to stream and record meetings as they take place.

Tests will now be carried out to address issues such as dialling in to a meeting via telephone (rather than on-line), accessing meetings via different types of device, and electronic voting.

A follow-on report outlining progress will go to the June meeting of the Council.

In the meantime, the council will make arrangements, using existing software, for audio recordings of key committee meetings to be available on its website.

This is expected to happen by the end of May for these committee meetings: Council, Policy and Resources, Community Services, Environment, Development and Infrastructure, PPSL (Planning, Protective Services and Licensing), and the Audit and Scrutiny Committee.

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