
Help for businesses in bidding for tenders

Is your business interested in providing fresh produce to the council, for our catering services?

Our procurement team is to host an online Bidder Information Session to support any business wishing to tender to supply and distribute fresh fruit, vegetables, potatoes, prepared products and milk.

The session will be held on Wednesday 29 May, from 9.30-10.30am, on Microsoft Teams. To book your place, please email: Andrew.duncan@argyll-bute.gov.uk.

At the session you will find out more about:

  • the tender requirements:
  • how the tender is split into lots by requirement/area;
  • the criteria your business will be expected to meet; and
  • the tender evaluation criteria.

There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you might have about bidding for tenders.

The full tender must be completed and returned by Wednesday 26 June at 12 noon and can be found at:

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