
Pippa's Podcasts

Pippa Milne

PվɫÇéƬ is full of great people and here I take the opportunity to promote some of the incredible activity that goes on and to make visible some of the efforts that can go unnoticed. 

Thank you to everyone who participated and for the difference you are making for PվɫÇéƬ and Bute.

Pippa Milne
Chief Executive




If you have any ideas about subjects we can cover on any future podcasts please get in touch with us at workingtogether@argyll-bute.gov.uk

In this episode Pippa talks about how we're evolving how we work as a council and why change is important.

Pippa meets with Katy Grubb, OD Project Officer and Scott McKinnon, Developing Young Workforce Lead.

The refugee resettlement commenced in 2015 in Rothesay supporting Syrian families.

For the first time in 27 years, the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race will stop over in Scotland.

Pippa speaks to colleagues from PվɫÇéƬ and Bute Rape Crisis and the Health and Social Care Partnership on action being taken against gender based violence.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has recently launched a new five-year strategy. 

Irene Beautyman, Place and Wellbeing Partnership Lead at the Improvement Service and Public Health Scotland discusses with Pippa a new and ambitious approach to understanding community wellbeing in a specific place and in this instance Dunoon.

Have you ever been watching a film or TV series and suddenly recognised a familiar location? 

Pippa catches up with Mark Lines from the PվɫÇéƬ and Bute Health Social Care Partnership.

Calum Ross on the importance of the tourism sector to our area.

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