Pippa chats with Fiona Davies about her career, her priorities as Chief Officer going forward, and the HSCP budget consultation
Pippa's Podcasts
PվɫÇéƬ is full of great people and here I take the opportunity to promote some of the incredible activity that goes on and to make visible some of the efforts that can go unnoticed.
Thank you to everyone who participated and for the difference you are making for PվɫÇéƬ and Bute.
Pippa Milne
Chief Executive
If you have any ideas about subjects we can cover on any future podcasts please get in touch with us at workingtogether@argyll-bute.gov.uk
Pippa chats with five of our current/former modern apprentices about their experiences of working and learning with the Council.
Pippa chats with Mary Louise Howat, one of our Senior Development Officers about some projects that have received UK Community Renewal funding.
Pippa speaks with Dr Anne Grieg and Chulainn Ledsom from our Educational Psychology Service (EPS) about mental health support in our schools
Pippa has the pleasure of speaking with Jane Macleod about her role as the current Lord-Lieutenant of PվɫÇéƬ and Bute.
Pippa spoke with members of the Council’s elections team – Tricia O’Neill, Sandra Campbell and Melissa Stewart – about just how much work goes into organising elections in PվɫÇéƬ and Bute.
Pippa speaks with Jackie Westerman, the Council’s Home Energy Efficiency Project Officer, and Brian Barker from Home Energy Scotland, about what households can do to reduce energy costs and improve energy efficiency.
Pippa catches up with the Council’s tourism officer Zalina Dzhatieva, staycation officer Nathan Gallogley, and the GRAB Trust’s Christina Saunders.