
Help for Children and Young People

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Childrens rights and parental responsibilities

The law in Scotland gives children and young people the right to be protected from all forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation. You have many different rights. Some of the most important ones to know are:

The law in Scotland gives children and young people the right to be protected from all forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

You have many different rights. Some of the most important ones to know are:

  • your best interests must always come first
  • you have the right to life, survival and development
  • your views must be considered and taken into account in all matters affecting you.

There are certain things that mums and dads are expected to do for their children while they are growing up. These are known as parental responsibilities. Anyone who cares for a child is responsible for making sure they are safe and well at all times. This means helping you to be healthy and encourage your growth, development and welfare. That means they must make sure you are looked after and taken care of when you are ill. They have to make sure you go to school or are given other suitable education and have the opportunity to develop your full potential in life.

In Scotland the law says: parents must:

  • Promote the general welfare, health and development of their children and
  • Protect them from harm.


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